Saturday, December 06, 2008

Hispanic empowerment?

Imagine for a second that your home state Senate's major political party just shifted in last month's election. Then, a handful of gay senators announce they'll support the party that wasn't voted if they don't get handed a ton of power.

Well, cross out "gay" and replace it with "Hispanic," and that's what's happened in New York State. The "Gang of Three" holdouts in the Senate are partly motivated by empowering Hispanics. One in particular, Ruben Diaz, is also motivated by keeping gays disenfranchised, refusing to caucus with the Democrats unless he's sure gay marriage won't even be voted on.

So, Hispanic power: good! Homosexual equality: bad!

Ruben Diaz is an embarrassment to the state, just as James Dobson is an embarrassment to the country. How about worrying about real issues, like healthcare, transportation, and the budget?

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