Wednesday, September 20, 2006

FBI Stats Show New York Safest City In 2005; Statewide Violent Crime Up A Little

From KWTX ("New York Safest; Dallas Most Dangerous," September 19, 2006):

FBI statistics show Dallas had the highest crime rate of any of the nation's top largest cities last year.

The FBI Uniform Crime Report found about one crime was reported in Dallas last year for every 12 people.

New York remained the safest of the nation's ten largest cities in 2005, with about one crime reported for every 37 people.

San Jose was the second safest, followed by Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Philadelphia, Houston, San Antonio, Phoenix and Dallas.

The national figures showed that violent crime rose 2.3 percent last year, the first increase since 2001.

And the ten largest cities in order of safety from the above link:

  1. New York: one crime per 37.38 residents.
  2. San Jose, Calif.: one crime per 34.46 residents.
  3. Los Angeles: one crime per 25.97 residents.
  4. San Diego: one crime per 24.09 residents.
  5. Chicago: one crime per 21.9 residents.
  6. Philadelphia: one crime per 17.96 residents.
  7. Houston: one crime per 14.17 residents.
  8. San Antonio: one crime per 14.12 residents.
  9. Phoenix: one crime per 14.10 residents.
  10. Dallas: one crime per 11.79 residents.

On a bad note, violent crime around the state increased a little this past year. However, overall, the state crime rate is down a bit too ("New York State crime rate down," September 18, 2006):

The state's overall crime rate has dropped once again, although there was a slight increase in violent crimes. According to the 2005 FBI report, violent crime was up a little more than one percent last year.

That reflects similar numbers for the rest of the country. Officials from Governor Pataki's office say an increase in gun crimes led to the bump in the overall violent-crime rate.

But the governor says he's already boosted money for gun violence prevention by $16 million for this year.

The crime ratea for 2005 was up a little nationally. Information from the FBI:

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